It’s a journey. I recognize that I don’t need to have status or a title or position. By definition though a leader has some kind of following, or at least people that are going somewhere as a result of there being together. I guess at the moment I am practicing showing up where I already am and trusting to what comes of that.

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I don’t have any status as a leader in an organization. I am on this journey as a parent however, realizing that if I want my kids to be ‘resilient and have the capacity to serve’ and become adults who ‘take responsibility for and prioritize and manage (their) own health and well-being, so that they ‘have the courage and vulnerability to share ideas, try things, be wrong, work with others, pick themselves back up, and find ways to move... forward’ then I have to practice showing up differently, sitting with the discomfort and leaning in to who I need to be first, before I evening think about what they need to do.

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You sound like an amazing dad Benjamin. And you don't have to have any status as a leader in an organization to be a leader. You sound like a leader to me.

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I resonate so much with this!!! Thank you :)

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My pleasure Papz. Thanks for reading.

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