In March, 2020, just as the entire world was shutting down to endure a pandemic, just as we all were about to be served an overwhelming and undesirable dose of uncertainty, I published an Org Design Manifesto. In it, I shared my journey as an Org Designer. How I have experience both in large scale change and systems transformation and as a Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator studying with Brené Brown. And how my personal struggles with uncertainty have painfully shaped my craft and the methodology I’ve shaped and practice.

Since then, I’ve continued to guide entrepreneurs, leaders, and companies all over the world — from organizations like Apple, to those with hundreds of employees — to redesign their systems and build braver cultures. What I know to be true — regardless of size or industry — is that we all struggle with the same problems. All of the struggles, all of the tensions, all of the challenges we experience are the same.

Because we are human, we all struggle to navigate the uncertainty and complexity we face every day in our environments and in our lives. What I teach, coach, and guide is how we do that without sacrificing our souls.

I’ve spent years studying uncertainty, what it does to us as humans, and the negative financial and cultural impacts it can have on organizations when we don’t have the skills and tools to navigate it. I’ve also learned to move through it in a way that doesn’t do damage to those I lead or those I love. And that’s what I want to share with you.

If you’re at a place in your journey — as an organization, as a leader, and as a human — where you’re ready to get off the roller coaster of unrelenting hustle, depletion, and overwhelm, this is the place for you. If you’re tired of following frameworks and checklists that promise the “answers.” If you’re ready to learn and grow in a way that brings real relief and resilience, and the durable skills and tools that will equip you to thrive in the demands you face every day at work in your life, welcome.

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I am an Org Designer. I have guided entrepreneurs, leaders, and companies all over the world — from organizations like Apple, to those with hundreds of employees — to redesign their systems and build braver cultures. I write about uncertainty.


Org Designer | Executive Coach | Keynote Speaker | Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator (she/her)